Security Doors - Be prepared

Should you fit a security door? The world isn’t as safe as we’d like it be - From theft through to arson, the number of crimes registered every year is steadily rising. Recent incidents of civil unrest have also emphasised the need for adequate insurance and damage protection for property owners. It would be irresponsible for us as homeowner’s to overlook the risks and challenges we currently face. With this increase in crime, property owners now seek to arm themselves with security systems with which to protect themselves and their property. A rise in the demand for CCTV cameras, motion sensors and other security systems is being experienced here in the UK. While digital methods prove to be effective, they aren't the only solution. Wholistic security involves multiple technologies, (digital and otherwise) and with the implementation of multiple measures and devices, a complete and robust security system can be achieved. Let's look at a few conventional ways of increasing dom...